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Welcome to Wekusko Lake,
Northern Manitoba, Canada

Early Cree, gathering herbs and wild plants in this area, gave Wekusko Lake (Herb Lake) its name. Today there is a renewed interest in wild plants for food and medicinal uses as the area around Wekusko Lake is a rich place to look for a variety of plants. The typical northern acidic soils, formed on peat bogs in the Precambrian shield, contrast with the alkaline soils at the South End, which were formed on limestone.

Wekusko Lake is on the Grass River system which was a canoe route for the early traders and today it is used by recreational canoeists. Wekusko Falls is a provincial campground.

Herb Lake (the English version of the word) was a prosperous gold mining town until the early 1960s. It is now a ghost town and most of the buildings have fallen.

Herb Lake Landing, at the South End, is a small community that was originally founded as a stopping-off place on the way to the gold fields in the Herb Lake area.

Snow Lake, which is located nearby is a modern mining community.

Fishermen enjoy fishing for walleye and northern pike.

misty water



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